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Bases: InMemoryDataset

A dataset from a CSV file.

CSVDataset reads entries from a CSV file, where the first row is the header. The root directory of the csv file may be accessed using dataset.parent_path. This may be useful if the csv contains relative path information that you want to feed into, say, an ImageReader Op.


Name Type Description Default
file_path str

The (absolute) path to the CSV file.

delimiter str

What delimiter is used by the file.

include_if Union[None, Dict[str, Union[Any, Iterable[Any]]], str, Callable[..., bool]]

An optional filter specifying which rows should be included. This can be a dictionary, for example {'mode': 'train', 'type': [0, 1, 2]} in which case only rows which have a 'mode' column value of 'train' AND a 'type' column value of either 0, 1, or 2 will be included in this dataset. Alternatively, this can be a query string:, for example 'type >= 1'. Finally, it could be a function whose argument(s) correspond to column names and whose output is a boolean (include_if=lambda mode: mode in ['eval', 'test']). This last option is very flexible, but also slower to execute.

fill_na Optional[Any]

A fill value if data is missing. By default, this will follow pandas convention and use different types of NaNs.


Other arguments to be passed through to pandas csv reader function. See the pandas docs for details:

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/dataset/
class CSVDataset(InMemoryDataset):
    """A dataset from a CSV file.

    CSVDataset reads entries from a CSV file, where the first row is the header. The root directory of the csv file
    may be accessed using dataset.parent_path. This may be useful if the csv contains relative path information
    that you want to feed into, say, an ImageReader Op.

        file_path: The (absolute) path to the CSV file.
        delimiter: What delimiter is used by the file.
        include_if: An optional filter specifying which rows should be included. This can be a dictionary, for example
            {'mode': 'train', 'type': [0, 1, 2]} in which case only rows which have a 'mode' column value of 'train' AND
            a 'type' column value of either 0, 1, or 2 will be included in this dataset. Alternatively, this can be a
            query string:, for
            example 'type >= 1'. Finally, it could be a function whose argument(s) correspond to column names and whose
            output is a boolean (include_if=lambda mode: mode in ['eval', 'test']). This last option is very flexible,
            but also slower to execute.
        fill_na: A fill value if data is missing. By default, this will follow pandas convention and use different types
            of NaNs.
        kwargs: Other arguments to be passed through to pandas csv reader function. See the pandas docs for details:
    def __init__(self,
                 file_path: str,
                 delimiter: str = ",",
                 include_if: Union[None, Dict[str, Union[Any, Iterable[Any]]], str, Callable[..., bool]] = None,
                 fill_na: Optional[Any] = 'pandas_default',
                 **kwargs) -> None:
        df = pd.read_csv(file_path, delimiter=delimiter, **kwargs)
        if fill_na is None:
            df = df.fillna(math.nan).replace([math.nan], [None])
        elif fill_na != 'pandas_default':
            df = df.fillna(value=fill_na)
        if include_if is not None:
            if isinstance(include_if, dict):
                for k, v in include_if.items():
                    v = [None] if v is None else to_list(v)
                    df = df[df[k].isin(v)]
            elif isinstance(include_if, str):
                df = df.query(include_if)
            elif hasattr(include_if, "__call__"):
                cols = list(inspect.signature(include_if).parameters.keys())
                for col in cols:
                    if col not in df.columns:
                        raise ValueError(f"The provided filter function requested '{col}' which was not found in the "
                                         f"csv columns: {list(df.columns)}")
                df = df[df[cols].apply(lambda row: include_if(**row), axis=1)]
                raise ValueError(f"Received an unexpected datatype for include_if: {type(include_if)}")
        self.parent_path = os.path.dirname(file_path)
        # Remove banned characters from column names since users won't be able to access them later. This can happen,
        # for example, when a csv file is missing one or more headers (which would normally then render as "Unnamed: 1")
        df.rename(lambda x: x.replace(":", "").replace("|", "").replace(";", ""), axis='columns', inplace=True)