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Bases: LabeledDirDataset

A dataset which returns pairs of data.

This dataset reads files from a folder hierarchy like root/class(/es)/data.file. Data is returned in pairs, where the label value is 1 if the data are drawn from the same class, and 0 otherwise. One epoch is defined as the time it takes to visit every data point exactly once as the 'data_key_left'. Each data point may occur zero or many times as 'data_key_right' within the same epoch. SiameseDirDataset.split() will split by class index rather than by data instance index.


Name Type Description Default
root_dir str

The path to the directory containing data sorted by folders.

data_key_left str

What key to assign to the first data element in the pair.

data_key_right str

What key to assign to the second data element in the pair.

label_key str

What key to assign to the label values in the data dictionary.

percent_matching_data float

What percentage of the time should data be paired by class (label value = 1).

label_mapping Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

A dictionary defining the mapping to use. If not provided will map classes to int labels.

file_extension Optional[str]

If provided then only files ending with the file_extension will be included.

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/dataset/
@traceable(blacklist=('data', 'class_data', '_summary'))
class SiameseDirDataset(LabeledDirDataset):
    """A dataset which returns pairs of data.

    This dataset reads files from a folder hierarchy like root/class(/es)/data.file. Data is returned in pairs,
    where the label value is 1 if the data are drawn from the same class, and 0 otherwise. One epoch is defined as
    the time it takes to visit every data point exactly once as the 'data_key_left'. Each data point may occur zero
    or many times as 'data_key_right' within the same epoch. SiameseDirDataset.split() will split by class index
    rather than by data instance index.

        root_dir: The path to the directory containing data sorted by folders.
        data_key_left: What key to assign to the first data element in the pair.
        data_key_right: What key to assign to the second data element in the pair.
        label_key: What key to assign to the label values in the data dictionary.
        percent_matching_data: What percentage of the time should data be paired by class (label value = 1).
        label_mapping: A dictionary defining the mapping to use. If not provided will map classes to int labels.
        file_extension: If provided then only files ending with the file_extension will be included.

    class_data: Dict[Any, Set[int]]

    def __init__(self,
                 root_dir: str,
                 data_key_left: str = "x_a",
                 data_key_right: str = "x_b",
                 label_key: str = "y",
                 percent_matching_data: float = 0.5,
                 label_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                 file_extension: Optional[str] = None):
        super().__init__(root_dir, data_key_left, label_key, label_mapping, file_extension)
        self.class_data = self._data_to_class(, label_key)
        self.percent_matching_data = percent_matching_data
        self.data_key_left = data_key_left
        self.data_key_right = data_key_right
        self.label_key = label_key

    def _data_to_class(data: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]], label_key: str) -> Dict[Any, Set[int]]:
        """A helper method to build a mapping from classes to their corresponding data indices.

            data: A data dictionary like {<index>: {"data_key": <data value>}}.
            label_key: Which key inside `data` corresponds to the label value for a given index entry.

            A mapping like {"label1": {<indices with label1>}, "label2": {<indices with label2>}}.
        class_data = {}
        for idx, elem in data.items():
            class_data.setdefault(elem[label_key], set()).add(idx)
        return class_data

    def _split_length(self) -> int:
        """The length of a dataset to be used for the purpose of computing splits.

        In this case, splits are computed based on the number of classes rather than the number of instances per class.

            The apparent length of the dataset for the purpose of the .split() function
        return len(self.class_data)

    def _do_split(self, splits: Sequence[Iterable[int]]) -> List['SiameseDirDataset']:
        """Split the current dataset apart into several smaller datasets.

            splits: Which classes to remove from the current dataset in order to create new dataset(s). One dataset will
                be generated for every iterable within the `splits` sequence.

            New datasets generated by removing classes at the indices specified by `splits` from the current dataset.
        # Splits in this context refer to class indices rather than the typical data indices
        results = []
        for split in splits:
            # Convert class indices to data indices
            int_class_keys = list(sorted(self.class_data.keys()))
            split = [item for i in split for item in self.class_data[int_class_keys[i]]]
            data = {new_idx: for new_idx, old_idx in enumerate(split)}
            class_data = self._data_to_class(data, self.label_key)
                                **{k: v
                                   for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in {'data', 'class_data'}}))
        # Re-key the remaining data to be contiguous from 0 to new max index = {new_idx: v for new_idx, (old_idx, v) in enumerate(}
        self.class_data = self._data_to_class(, self.label_key)
        # The summary function is being cached by a base class, so reset our cache here
        self._summary = None
        return results

    def _get_stratified_splits(self, split_counts: List[int], seed: Optional[int],
                               stratify: str) -> Sequence[Iterable[int]]:
        warn("SiameseDirDataset does not support stratified splits. Falling back to classical split method.")
        return self._get_fractional_splits(split_counts=split_counts, seed=seed)

    def __getitem__(self, index: int):
        """Extract items from the dataset based on the given `batch_idx`.

            index: Which data instance to use as the 'left' element.

            A datapoint for the given index.
        base_item = deepcopy([index])
        if np.random.uniform(0, 1) < self.percent_matching_data:
            # Generate matching data
            clazz_items = self.class_data[base_item[self.label_key]]
            other = np.random.choice(list(clazz_items - {index}))
            base_item[self.data_key_right] =[other][self.data_key_left]
            base_item[self.label_key] = 1
            # Generate non-matching data
            other_classes = self.class_data.keys() - {base_item[self.label_key]}
            other_class = np.random.choice(list(other_classes))
            other = np.random.choice(list(self.class_data[other_class]))
            base_item[self.data_key_right] =[other][self.data_key_left]
            base_item[self.label_key] = 0
        return base_item

    def one_shot_trial(self, n: int) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
        """Generate one-shot trial data.

        The similarity should be highest between the index 0 elements of the arrays.

            n: The number of samples to draw for computing one shot accuracy. Should be <= the number of total classes.

            ([class_a_instance_x, class_a_instance_x, class_a_instance_x, ...],
            [class_a_instance_w, class_b_instance_y, class_c_instance_z, ...])
        assert n > 1, "one_shot_trial requires an n-value of at least 2"
        assert n <= len(self.class_data.keys()), \
            "one_shot_trial only supports up to {} comparisons, but an n-value of {} was given".format(
                len(self.class_data.keys()), n)
        classes = np.random.choice(list(self.class_data.keys()), size=n, replace=False)
        base_image_indices = np.random.choice(list(self.class_data[classes[0]]), size=2, replace=False)
        l1 = [[base_image_indices[0]][self.data_key_left]] * n
        l2 = [[base_image_indices[1]][self.data_key_left]]
        for clazz in classes[1:]:
            index = np.random.choice(list(self.class_data[clazz]))
        return l1, l2

    def summary(self) -> DatasetSummary:
        """Generate a summary representation of this dataset.
            A summary representation of this dataset.
        summary = super().summary()
        # since class key is re-mapped, remove class key mapping to reduce confusion
        summary.class_key_mapping = None
        return summary


Generate one-shot trial data.

The similarity should be highest between the index 0 elements of the arrays.


Name Type Description Default
n int

The number of samples to draw for computing one shot accuracy. Should be <= the number of total classes.



Type Description

([class_a_instance_x, class_a_instance_x, class_a_instance_x, ...],


[class_a_instance_w, class_b_instance_y, class_c_instance_z, ...])

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/dataset/
def one_shot_trial(self, n: int) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
    """Generate one-shot trial data.

    The similarity should be highest between the index 0 elements of the arrays.

        n: The number of samples to draw for computing one shot accuracy. Should be <= the number of total classes.

        ([class_a_instance_x, class_a_instance_x, class_a_instance_x, ...],
        [class_a_instance_w, class_b_instance_y, class_c_instance_z, ...])
    assert n > 1, "one_shot_trial requires an n-value of at least 2"
    assert n <= len(self.class_data.keys()), \
        "one_shot_trial only supports up to {} comparisons, but an n-value of {} was given".format(
            len(self.class_data.keys()), n)
    classes = np.random.choice(list(self.class_data.keys()), size=n, replace=False)
    base_image_indices = np.random.choice(list(self.class_data[classes[0]]), size=2, replace=False)
    l1 = [[base_image_indices[0]][self.data_key_left]] * n
    l2 = [[base_image_indices[1]][self.data_key_left]]
    for clazz in classes[1:]:
        index = np.random.choice(list(self.class_data[clazz]))
    return l1, l2


Generate a summary representation of this dataset. Returns: A summary representation of this dataset.

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/dataset/
def summary(self) -> DatasetSummary:
    """Generate a summary representation of this dataset.
        A summary representation of this dataset.
    summary = super().summary()
    # since class key is re-mapped, remove class key mapping to reduce confusion
    summary.class_key_mapping = None
    return summary