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Bases: NumpyOp

Repeat a NumpyOp several times in a row.


Name Type Description Default
op NumpyOp

A NumpyOp to be run one or more times in a row.

repeat Union[int, Callable[..., bool]]

How many times to repeat the op. This can also be a function return, in which case the function input names will be matched to keys in the data dictionary, and the op will be repeated until the function evaluates to False. The function evaluation will happen at the end of a forward call, so the op will always be evaluated at least once.

max_iter Optional[int]

A limit to how many iterations will be run (or None for no limit).



Type Description

If repeat, op, or max_iter are invalid.

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/op/numpyop/meta/
class Repeat(NumpyOp):
    """Repeat a NumpyOp several times in a row.

        op: A NumpyOp to be run one or more times in a row.
        repeat: How many times to repeat the `op`. This can also be a function return, in which case the function input
            names will be matched to keys in the data dictionary, and the `op` will be repeated until the function
            evaluates to False. The function evaluation will happen at the end of a forward call, so the `op` will
            always be evaluated at least once.
        max_iter: A limit to how many iterations will be run (or None for no limit).

        ValueError: If `repeat`, `op`, or max_iter are invalid.
    def __init__(self, op: NumpyOp, repeat: Union[int, Callable[..., bool]] = 1,
                 max_iter: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
        if isinstance(op, Batch):
            raise ValueError("Cannot nest the Batch op inside Repeat")
        self.repeat_inputs = []
        extra_reqs = []
        if max_iter is None:
            self.max_iter = max_iter
            if max_iter < 1:
                raise ValueError(f"Repeat requires max_iter to be >=1, but got {max_iter}")
            self.max_iter = max_iter - 1  # -1 b/c the first invocation happens outside the while loop
        if isinstance(repeat, int):
            if repeat < 1:
                raise ValueError(f"Repeat requires repeat to be >= 1, but got {repeat}")
            if max_iter:
                raise ValueError("Do not set max_iter when repeat is an integer")
            extra_reqs = list(set(self.repeat_inputs) - set(op.outputs))
        self.repeat = repeat
        super().__init__(inputs=op.inputs + extra_reqs, outputs=op.outputs, mode=op.mode, ds_id=op.ds_id)
        self.ops = [op]

    def op(self) -> NumpyOp:
        return self.ops[0]

    def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[Any, Any]]]:
        return {'ops': [elem.__getstate__() if hasattr(elem, '__getstate__') else {} for elem in self.ops]}

    def set_rua_level(self, magnitude_coef: float) -> None:
        """Set the augmentation intensity based on the magnitude_coef.

        This method is specifically designed to be invoked by the RUA Op.

            magnitude_coef: The desired augmentation intensity (range [0-1]).

            AttributeError: If the 'op' doesn't have a 'set_rua_level' method.
        if hasattr(self.op, "set_rua_level") and inspect.ismethod(getattr(self.op, "set_rua_level")):
            raise AttributeError(
                "RUA Augmentations should have a 'set_rua_level' method but it's not present in Op: {}".format(

    def forward(self, data: List[np.ndarray], state: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[FilteredData, List[np.ndarray]]:
        data = {key: elem for key, elem in zip(self.inputs, data)}
        if isinstance(self.repeat, int):
            for i in range(self.repeat):
                filtered = forward_numpyop(self.ops, data, state)
                if filtered:
                    return filtered
            filtered = forward_numpyop(self.ops, data, state)
            if filtered:
                return filtered
            i = 0
            while self.repeat(*[data[var_name] for var_name in self.repeat_inputs]):
                if self.max_iter and i >= self.max_iter:
                filtered = forward_numpyop(self.ops, data, state)
                if filtered:
                    return filtered
                i += 1
        return [data[key] for key in self.outputs]

    def forward_batch(self, data: Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]],
                      state: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[FilteredData, np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]:
        data = {key: elem for key, elem in zip(self.inputs, data)}
        if isinstance(self.repeat, int):
            for i in range(self.repeat):
                filtered = forward_numpyop(self.ops, data, state, batched='np')
                if filtered:
                    return filtered
            filtered = forward_numpyop(self.ops, data, state, batched='np')
            if filtered:
                return filtered
            i = 0
            while self.repeat(*[data[var_name] for var_name in self.repeat_inputs]):
                if self.max_iter and i >= self.max_iter:
                filtered = forward_numpyop(self.ops, data, state, batched='np')
                if filtered:
                    return filtered
                i += 1
        return [data[key] for key in self.outputs]


Set the augmentation intensity based on the magnitude_coef.

This method is specifically designed to be invoked by the RUA Op.


Name Type Description Default
magnitude_coef float

The desired augmentation intensity (range [0-1]).



Type Description

If the 'op' doesn't have a 'set_rua_level' method.

Source code in fastestimator/fastestimator/op/numpyop/meta/
def set_rua_level(self, magnitude_coef: float) -> None:
    """Set the augmentation intensity based on the magnitude_coef.

    This method is specifically designed to be invoked by the RUA Op.

        magnitude_coef: The desired augmentation intensity (range [0-1]).

        AttributeError: If the 'op' doesn't have a 'set_rua_level' method.
    if hasattr(self.op, "set_rua_level") and inspect.ismethod(getattr(self.op, "set_rua_level")):
        raise AttributeError(
            "RUA Augmentations should have a 'set_rua_level' method but it's not present in Op: {}".format(